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Serving God and Country

Sunday, October 7, 2012



  Sadly last month on September 11th, our embassy in Libya was savagely attacked.  As our fearless government leaders pontificate, make political statements and wonder about what happened, 4 fellow countrymen died.  For those of us in the military, it is not about politics; its about defending our country and the God given freedoms which guide our way of life.  For these 4 individuals, it was about fighting for what is right against an insidious evil that unfortunately has taken root in this world and threatens everything that is good and decent.
  One of these four individuals was a former SEAL named Ty Woods.  Ty and his wife went to the Chapel services at Naval Base San Diego where one of our AGC Chaplains preached.   It was after Ty's death that his widow asked our Chaplain to preach the sermon and officiate over the funeral and the internment.  Both Ty and his wife were/are professing Christians, so that made the eternal question easier to answer.  However, Ty died fighting against an evil that must be confronted.
  It is for this reason that Mrs. Woods gave permission to publish the sermon that was preached at Ty's funeral.  She wants not only the Word of God to get out to the world, but also to help America wake up as to what is going on around Her.  By God's grace and mercy, A Call to Arms is the Least we can do to protect, serve and defend this God-given nation of ours.  Amen. 


The Sermon Preached at the funeral of Tyrone Snowden Woods (US Navy SEAL-ret.) answering the question of evil at the hands of Muslim Savages.  While others ran to protect themselves, Ty Woods and two others confronted the angry mob and against all odds, held out for many hours. 

Everyone in this room who has served or is serving this country has taken an oath.  This oath says that we will fight against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  As military members, we fight a war against terrorism.  As individuals, we all fight something more subtle and even elusive.  It is a concept which threatens our very existence, but no one is willing to call it out for fear of being ridiculed.  The weapon to fight it is Spiritual in nature and can only be resolved in the heart of each person listening to this homily.  The enemy has a name and it is called “EVIL.”

As a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let me set some things straight.  Despite what politicians and the media would tell you, anyone who kills others in the name of their god is wrong.  Be it Muslim or Christian.  The Bible calls it wickedness and murder.  PERIOD.  To use one’s religion as an excuse to murder others is twisted and perverted.  Furthermore, According to the Scripture, the only exception to kill others is when defending one’s right to live in fighting evil.  We did not start this war and God does not need to be defended by anyone.  A Holy, Pure and benevolent God is self evident.  He does not need to have people kill for Him.  In short, He will always have the last word.

We are gathered together today to honor a man who fought a physical fight against the manifestation of evil.  Some want to blame some stupid movie for what happened.  However, the Scriptures tell us that “it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, it’s what comes out.”  In other words, we all have things happen to each of us.  From that experience, every person must make a choice.  Some have a heart full of hate and because of that hate, manifest their twisted evil by killing others who disagree with them.  In truth, they murder for their own petty causes.

What should be the response to such evil?  Let me tell you first of all it begins with the spiritual realm and in a person’s heart.  There is a God and there are spiritual laws, just like physical laws.  The Bible warns us about such people and gives us a mandate to not only protect ourselves, but also to use the sword to eliminate evil.  If you don’t believe me, read Romans 13:1-5.  The Judeo-Christian God of the Scriptures is not only a God of love, but also of justice.  It is this axiomatic truth which guides our beliefs as a nation and culture.

What we believe in our hearts comes out in our actions.  For the sick and twisted evil mob, it was destruction and murder.  For Tyrone, it was protection and justice against an evil foe.  Some may ask “Why” did Ty go into the fight?  The answer is best summed up by Dr. David Grossman in his book “On killing.”  He wrote that there are three kinds of people in this world.  98% of people are sheep and just want to be left alone.  1% are sick, twisted, pathological wolves and wants to prey on the 98%.  The other 1% are also pathological, but are sheepdogs and are wired to PROTECT the 98% from the evil wolves.  Ty was a sheepdog who died protecting others.  While others ran away, he ran towards the conflict.

In my book, he is a true American hero!  Unfortunately, he paid the last full measure, much to the detriment of Mrs. Woods.  Mrs. Woods, for what it is worth and I know I speak for every man, woman and child in this room, HE DID NOT DIE IN VAIN! Because of his death, many have gathered together today to understand the spiritual message that God will never leave us or forsake us in our most difficult moments.  Perhaps his death was for a purpose of reminding all that Jesus paid the penalty of our sins to satisfy God’s justice.  Most of all however, I believe, TY died to get us all out of our complacency against evil, both foreign and domestic.
Ty’s actions against the rage of a terrible mob with the sole purpose of saving others, reminds me of the words to a song, found in the play “Man of LaMancha”

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

The fight against evil starts with each and every one of us in our hearts.  Ty gave his last ounce of courage and it cost him his life.  Where do you as an individual stand in this war we must fight? We wrestle not against flesh and blood.  Ty fought his battle, May we do no less for HIM and for our Heavenly Father against evil, whether foreign or domestic.  AMEN.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We know in your Word you promise that for those who mourn, they will be comforted.  We specifically ask comfort for Ty’s family and friends.  Give them the peace that passes all understanding.  I also ask special prayer Lord for those who are fighting battles against both the physical and spiritual realms.  May they find a safe place within your loving arms and strength to go through any burden. 

While the military is at war, America is at the mall and so help us God to wake up from our lethargy against the insidious enemy of evil men who wish us harm.  Protect our nation; protect our fighting men and women.  Give grace to those who are left behind to fight the daily battles on the home front.  Lord, we ask these things in the Holy and precious Name of you Son, Jesus Christ.



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