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Serving God and Country

Sunday, August 25, 2013


  In Psalm 119:64-68, the Psalmist in his agony uses the obvious evidences of God's multiple goodness to plead his case for the end result:  He simply wants to learn God's ways.  The reason why he is in anguish is because "the arrogant has forged a lie against him" (vs. 69).  The lesson from this passage is for a believer to do what is right, despite what evil ones may say.  Be encouraged that as believers, we know the final outcome of those who oppose the things of God.   God is not mocked and He will have His vengeance eventually (Rom 12:19).
  However, the Scriptures are also clear that as believers, we need to expose the unrighteous deeds of the wicked (Eph 5:11-13).  Such is the case with those who blast religious people, especially those people who dislike Christians without any reason whatsoever.   Worse yet, they make grandiose, but empty rhetoric against those they disagree without offering anything in its place.  Those that peddle this type of inflammatory language are not capable of working for cooperation or reconciliation, but only want their own view of reality. 
This month starts a series exposing the latest attacks against the clear teachings of Scripture.  "Beware the Jabberwocky" is an expose and warning against those who would do us harm in our military.  Written by John J Madison, it addresses some needed things against this new foe which would leave us to the fiat and foibles of human reason, instead of the Word of God. 

 by John J Madison.

  Lewis Carroll of Victorian England was a satirist.  When rules of conformity for meter and rhythm were at an all-time high for poetry, he wrote a nonsensical poem about an imaginary animal called the Jabberwocky.  The poem which was originally used to mock his peers ended up being a huge hit.  The “Anti” poem became “The” poem.   To Carroll’s cynical amusement, everyone who was somebody tried his hand at what the nonsensical jargon meant.  For the time being, the culture that had brought the world Dickens and D.H. Lawrence spent their time and energy in a meaningless pursuit of nonsense.  Unfortunately for us in the present, we are now at the same place dealing with a new old fad called “Atheism.”  Atheists prefer (and condescendingly so) to be known today as Freethinkers or Brights.  The Holy Scriptures rather bluntly call them “fools” (Psalm 14) for they intentionally suppress indisputable evidence (Romans 1:18-22) placed within them (they might as well deny their own existence).      

  Christians need to confidently respond to the nothingness of atheism.  Sensing blood from a shark feeding frenzy of judicial fiat, atheists are spewing out their poison against our society’s institutions on an altar of human reason.  By using hateful speech, legal threats, and bullying tactics, atheists are making some serious inroads.  Carroll’s poem is a satire that is not supposed to make any sense, so also this human belief system (atheism) has nothing to offer a culture and society: NOTHING. 

  Our Country’s Founders in the Declaration of Independence openly attested to the role of Divine Providence in the birth of the United States.  They subsequently and wisely included in the Constitution a Bill of Rights to protect among other freedoms, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.  The Government shall not prohibit the free exercise of Religion.  Our Founders recognized the wholesome value of Religious Faith in the new Nation.  John Adams said, “our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”  James Madison agreed, “the belief in a God All Powerful, wise and good, is essential to the moral order of the world and to the happiness of man.”  Our religious freedom (not religious tolerance) was one of the “certain unalienable rights” endowed to us by our Creator.

  Atheism is characterized not by defining what it can do for the people of the United States (its benefits), but it exists rather to attack the perceived excesses of the religious… and in so doing seeks to characterize these religious excesses as the norm.  It is a logical fallacy to believe that one bad apple makes the whole bushel bad.  However, there appears to be a hidden agenda for something far more sinister.

  One of the biggest proponents of the newest form of tolerated hate speech is found in the leader of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).  Mikey Weinstein’s tirade against Christian Military Chaplains reveals that the MRFF is a misnomer, for in practice; the MRFF is really the Military Freedom from Religion Foundation.  Note a quote from one of his recent diatribes about a proposed congressional prayer amendment included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“Section 530 of the NDAA promises to hand over a colossal government-issued blank check to those within the United States military who seek to exploit and misuse their rank and uniform for their own parochial and brazenly unconstitutional Christian supremacist purposes. Section 530 would allow every bigoted slimeball within the American armed forces – the homophobes, Islamophobes, anti-Semites, misogynists, anti-Constitutionalists, fundamentalist/dominionist Christians, and/or all of the above – to be given absolute free rein to slither out of their stinking closets of putrid prejudice and spout their twisted, Christian-jihad poison.” (from:

  Mikey Weinstein is free under our Constitution to believe whatever he desires, and to publish and practice his beliefs.  A good number of “Christians” have died to safeguard his freedoms.  But, come on…really?…“bigoted slimeball,…slither…stinking closets… purtrid … Christian-jihad poison?”  His animosity toward Christians is evident!  His foundational belief seems not to be his “love” of the Constitution.  Is this someone one that an Air Force Lieutenant General should take seriously, especially in seeking his counsel in the areas of Religious Diversity and Tolerance?  Beware the Jabberwock, my son!  This is a path that makes no sense. 

  In Weinstein’s writings he uses the seemingly innocuous rubric that there should not be any government religion at all.  History and precedence are all moot points.  He shuts down his opposition by masterfully using the “Heckler’s Veto,” that is, he gets the government to give a heckler in the audience veto power over a speaker’s content, context, and viewpoint (because it might offend him).  This deceptive ploy has been declared unconstitutional in our courts.  Furthermore, the virulence of his vindictive writings expose and betray a hidden hatred of anything he disagrees with.  Worse yet, he bases it on a common modern ignorance of the history and making of the Constitution and the belief system of the people behind it.  He makes the logical fallacy of not truly knowing American history and using reductionist (life is just economic, social and political) and revisionist history to turn it into his own personal invective against religion (read Christianity).    

  Beware!  This is the kind of philosophy that would destroy all of our cherished freedoms because these people believe they are the true intellectuals and self-proclaimed demi-gods who feel compelled to protect humankinds’ freedoms.  History has proven repeatedly that Atheism and Gnosticism lead to anarchy and a true reign of terror because they think they are the only “rational ones” who know what is best for all.  Once in power, they become autocrats and suppress everyone else.  They do not tolerate other views and subject people to all aspects of their own personal whims based on “rationalism.”  Might makes right!  Need examples, France in the late 1700s and more recently, the Soviet Union, where the STATE was supreme.  Our Constitution and nation must become a godless entity.  How we quickly forget the lessons of history, the lessons of what godless government bring.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…Beware the Jabberwocky, my son. 


Next month:  Beware the Jabberwocky, My Son: Part Two- “Exposing the Agenda of Atheism”

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