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Serving God and Country

Friday, December 27, 2013


  From the age of Adam and Eve, the biggest sin of all was the fact that man thought he was equal or God's superior.  Having partaken of the fruit, man became like God "knowing good and evil."  From that point on, many have used their God given abilities and intellect to elevate themselves using "human reason."  Knowledge is a wonderful thing, but can be used for evil purposes.  Unfortunately it has been used in prideful ways to such an extent that humanity has suffered the consequences of human reason for selfish purposes. 
  There is a movement underfoot in American which exalts human reason, empiricism over spiritual truth and rationalism as an end to itself.  This type of thinking has seen its nadir in historical movements and has been brought to its dead conclusion in the past.  Unfortunately, we as people do not learn from our mistake.  As a result, this month's blog addresses the truth behind this yet another wasteful human construct.  We hope you enjoy this month's article based on the real truth behind the movement known as "Those who Know..." 

The Adversarial Atheist


George J Jefferson

  As I sit in the quiet of my office writing this, it is Christmas.  Christmas with all of its hype is still the best time of the year.  While some focus and obsess on the hypocrisy of this special time, one can quickly become a naysayer. As I ponder the human condition in my forced solitude, I’m forced to recall those who don’t like this holiday are usually the ones who are the first to complain about it. Yet, somehow these same individuals who are great at articulating their distaste are the same ones who enjoy the benefit from this day.  They get a day off, they get to spend time with their loved ones and heaven forbid, they are forced to be reminded this holiday seeks joy and peace by positing a God who actually loves us. 

  What class of people am I talking about?  I’m talking about those who call themselves atheists.  Of course this is a personal choice, but unfortunately there is a small, but very vocal minority who are trying to destroy the very fabric of who we are as a collective nation.  These are people who think that those who believe in a personal God and even Christians at large are idiots and dangerous.  Worse yet, they would destroy all that is good for the sake of their own ideology.  They are the purveyors of what is good and bad and they would establish their own morality based on what they perceive as right and wrong. 

  Without name calling, let’s take a look at their world view and for the sake of logic, let’s follow this tragic line of reasoning.  After all, this is their unending mantra: Human reason.

  What does a world with faith in Jesus Christ offer for us today?  Christmas celebrates a holiday based on hope, love and joy.  In a Christian world view, that is an easy one. Now let’s contrast this with a humanistic viewpoint.  What big day is there for us humans?  “Earth Day?”  Wow, that’s inspiring! Makes one want to make up songs, Hold a holy vigil, do a jig and celebrate with one’s family.  Not much of an inspiration unless one worships mother earth.  However, that goes against all logic.  Nope.  No candidates for holidays.

  How about human logic and faith as found in the arts? Let’s take music for instance.  Can we compare faith-based music with that of human reason.  Which type moves and captivates our hearts and minds?  Is it fair to compare fickle pop trends which only appeal to our basic instincts with music that inspires not only generations, but decades and even centuries of people? The best music the world has ever seen is faith based.  As Steve Martin once said in one of his songs “Atheists ain’t got no music!” 

  Another aspect of human reason versus faith is the world of literature.  Literature exists to explain the human condition.  While there are many stories written to explain this topic, the atheistic viewpoint is pretty mum on this front.  Not many truly classical stories without some sort of faith in a deity is presented from all of antiquity to the present.   Unfortunately for the atheist the Bible has been the number one best bookseller in the world for the past two hundred years. It is a good source for literature and explains many of the sources of the Human condition.  Maybe that is a good reason that the first book ever printed was the Scriptures.   

  Its’ obvious Human reason cannot trump Christianity’s contribution to the arts and holidays.  Perhaps atheists view their pessimistic outlook on life based on their superior knowledge as found in their rational approach towards the human existence as found in Government.  In a Christian worldview and in the mind of our nations’ Founding Father’s, there is an a priori assumption of the doctrine of sin and of human nature. They knew the importance of freedom of conscience, so they implanted a failsafe system of checks and balances into how people would be governed.  This same system was based on religious principles which presupposed God who ruled in the affairs of man (quoted by Ben Franklin at the Constitutional convention). 

  However atheists and many modern lawyers would have us believe that wasn’t the case because the Constitution never mentions God (Never mind that a Deity is mentioned in all of the States Constitutions).  Of course they have only a superficial understanding of American history and never mention that Congress actually paid to have Bibles published with government money for the evangelism of Native Americans, the building of Christian Chapels, paid clergy for public prayers and many other state sponsored Christian endeavors.   There are many other examples, but the point here is to say with 100% certainty we are what we are today based on our faith in God and His grace in our country’s welfare. 

  Compare our country’s historical origins with those countries who have embraced the belief of atheistic “human reason” and we end up with examples of dictators and despotism found in Cuba, North Korea and the former Soviet Union.  Need I say more about all of these receptacles of human misery because these countries embraced a believe system based on their love of “human reason” devoid of a God based worldview.  

  The American Revolution and the French Revolution are illustrative and occurred at roughly the same time.  The former recognized ultimate accountability to God and birthed a nation of Liberty, the latter exalted human reason.  The French Revolution’s highpoint was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.  What followed was not a new birth of freedom but a chilling mutation of the revolution.  Moderate French orator, Pierre Vergniaud summed it, "The Revolution, like Saturn, is devouring its own children."  Over 35,000 lives were brutally extinguished in the ten-month Reign of Terror.  This “Enlightenment” demonstrated quite clearly what a revolution without God could achieve.  The French people, exhausted of the senseless slaughter, eventually embraced the opposite extreme (of freedom), Napoleon's absolute despotism.

  However, to me, the worse aspect of this type of human outlook is devastating to who we are as human beings.  In a Christian world view, we are in a state of rebellion against a God who desires a covenant with us through His Son Jesus Christ.  This covenant is a loving relationship and is not based on consumerism.  A covenant is an agreement between two individuals who make a decision to work through problems and have faith in each other whether easy or hard. A covenant takes work because it is binding and agreements hold each of us accountable for our actions. Consumerism on the other hand looks to work only if there is a benefit to an individual.  If an individual no longer gets what they want from others, they break the agreement.  No personal benefit, no relationship.   

  We are in a society where people are selling human reason over a relationship with God.  With this atheistic consumerism, one can do whatever they want, whenever they want without any consequences.  It sounds great and like a sugar cookie, tastes great. However, this sugar cookie has no substance and cannot sustain life.  Atheism promises, but cannot deliver. It has no solutions or answers.  It cannot promise anything or create something good.  That is because its main premise is terribly flawed.  This was demonstrated over 150 years ago by a man named Arthur Schopenhauer when he proved logically that atheism’s goal is pure selfishness of the individual over the greater good.  The exaltation of Human reason by itself has nothing to offer.  The only good it can bring is when it is used in the context of praising God.  Duh!    

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